Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Capitol, Supreme Court, and MORE!

Another great day in DC! We thought it would pretty low key with a couple tours and not a lot of walking. WRONG! After a sunset walk around the Tidal Basin after dinner, we logged a record 27,025 steps, over 12 miles! But we saw so much, what a great day.

We started the day at the Capitol Building. We arrived a bit early for our tour, so we wandered around outside taking some photos. Then, we went over to the Library of Congress, right behind the Capitol Building. Wow! What incredible architecture, very different than many of the buildings around it, just beautiful. The Library of
Congress houses the Jefferson Library. It has many original books from the library of Thomas Jefferson, just amazing. The reading room of the library is incredibly beautiful. There are several museum quality displays located throughout the library as well.

We arrived on time at Representative Greg Walden's office for our Capitol tour. We were so glad we scheduled it through his office as there were only 8 of us on the tour lead by one of Mr. Walden's staff members. She did a great job, was very personable, and even took us into some areas that the large Visitor Center tours were not able to go. We got to travel through the tunnels under the Capitol to the office of the Representatives. There's a small "town" underground including a post office, gift shop, restaurant, and gymnasium. We were even able to eat lunch in the restaurant where the staffers and representatives eat. She was able to take us out on the
Representative's Balcony which overlooks the mall, wow, what a view! The Capitol was amazing. So much to see and so much history. The rotunda was shrouded with scaffolding due to preservation and restoration work, but at the end of the month it will be closing completely, so we were glad we were able to see it. Since my visit in the early 90's, a completely new Visitor's Center has been built under ground. It's huge and adds so much functionality for visitors.

After lunch, we went to the Supreme Court. It wasn't so much of a tour as it was a talk, in the actual Supreme Court! The docent did a great job of explaining how the Supreme Court process works. It was amazing to sit in those chambers thinking about the history that has been made there. I had
the impression that there was almost always dissenting opinions rendered, but in actuality, most votes, about 80 per cent are unanimous by the court. We just tend to hear more about the votes that are split. There is very little technology used or allowed in the court room. There are no cameras, television or otherwise, allowed at any time. Reporters must use pencil and paper, no recording devices. The court does now record sessions, but that is the only technology used. When they meet in their chambers for discussion, ONLY the justices are in the room, no clerks, secretaries, etc. And again, NO technology. I guess I would't do well, LOL. I found it all very fascinating, especially since so much of school law, which I studied thoroughly in my graduate work, has been determined through the courts.

Next was a walk to Union Station, some shopping, and a Metro ride up to Dupont Circle. We walked back to the White House from there and sat in the park across the street and did some people watching. Lots of high school graduates came through the area for photos. There were the usual protesters, street performers, and tour groups as well. Security presence seemed a little higher after yesterday's scare. We were pretty sure we saw President Obama and his daughters enter the White House at one point, but it was hard to be sure.

After a rest and cocktail in our hotel room, we headed back out for dinner at an excellent Mexican restaurant, MXDC. Everything was delicious. We decided to head back to the mall area after dinner for a walk around the
Tidal Basin to see the memorials we had not seen yet. As we approached the Washington Monument, we were treated to spectacular sunset that continued to paint the sky as we neared the Tidal Basin and Jefferson Memorial It made for some gorgeous photos. We continued on around taking in the Franklin Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. memorials, both amazing. We may have to go back to see them in the daylight.

So, after our record setting day, we are exhausted! I think sleeping in is in order tomorrow. Have a great night!

Rich & Will

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